Lieve Vereycken

Free E-Book – Organizing for the Circular Economy (Dutch Only)

De circulaire economie staat volop in de belangstelling en is actueler dan ooit. Bedrijven staan voor de grote uitdaging de omslag te maken naar een circulair businessmodel. Om bedrijven en instellingen te ondersteunen in hun zoektocht naar het ideale circulaire businessmodel is dit unieke werkboek geschreven. Het werkboek is geschreven onder leiding van Prof. dr. […]

Short Video on Farming Internet Capacity

Everybody can become a farmer for internet capacity. Learn more about this opportunity in this short video. And be a stakeholder for a green, neutral and democratic internet, which will be one of our dominant infrastructure for our next level of prosperity.

Seth Godin’s Permission Marketing, GDPR and Alignment of Interests

In 1999 I started in the business of recruitment of IT Professionals and business consultants. While setting up the business, I was very inspired by the work of Seth Godin to reach out to potential candidates and clients. I read Seth Godin’s book on permission marketing and started to apply the proposed principles rigorously towards registered […]