Lieve Vereycken

HR is at the edge of every organisation (a valuable place to be)

HR is a function on the edge of any organisation. HR connects talent from the in- and outside world to organisational tasks. They are in contact with serveral operational service providers like pay-rolling. They are at the cross road of data exchange between organisations (with the individual as smallest part). Thanks to the innovation space […]

Threefold at Weconomics Partnerday

Threefold Foundations opens up a software stack for responsible internet, an innovation space for organizational technology. Weconomics focuses primarily on the use of organizational technology to improve the 6Ps: Purpose: the purpose of work in relation to innovation Productivity: pay prosperity with productivity Privacy: new and strict European privacy legislation (GDPR) Power: more power to […]

Earthways Nature Retraet

In this post I share the invitation for the EarthWays Nature Retreats. I participated in one last Spring and I have booked my spot for next year (like the other participants did). Come and join us, it is a fabulous experience.