Lieve Vereycken

This is Marketing

We are entering a new phase in the innovation space to co-design for better prosperity. Weconomics Foundations is training organisational designers and Threefold Foundation is launching the renewed digital infrastructure and complementary money systems. Let’s connect further. Better prosperity for all is possible. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we […]

Threefold for IoT (Internet of Things) in New Business Models

The picture below is the picture of the Weconomy model of prof. dr. Jan Jonker. The internet of things (IoT) could support it. Will Solaridad lead by example ? An agreement between Threefold Foundation and Solaridad is signed at the pre-launch Threefold Conference in Ibiza ( from 23 to 25 Octobre 2018). Following building blocks […]

Tft (Threefold Token) is a hopeful tool

In a previous post I mentioned that I wouldn’t have been connected to initiatives like Threefold Foundation if I haven’t read the book of Bernard Lietaer during the days the internet got introduced in the business world. Listen to a talk of Bernard Lietaer here. Time will tell if Tft (Threefold Token) will get its […]