As written in a previous post, the first metro systems used the template of the first railroad companies to structure their business operations. It is copied over and over again. A social contract within society came alive. But does it still serve ?
No, it doesn’t.
The social contract is falling apart on the one hand. And on the other hand we are facing new kind of problems and opportunities. We have the opportunity to co-design a shared and decentralized digital infrastructure and start to reconnect everyone and everything. New money systems are enabling.
A new template for business modelling can be used:
1. communicate an idea within a community of potential co-designers and users;
2. the community will start to work on it and the value creation model will get defined;
3. rules to start up and operate will get programmed for and with the community in the shared digital infrastructure;
4. the money systems are choosen;
5. coordinated action within a community will will create value, actions get registered and exchange of value will happen.
A far more complex paradigm is emerging than the paradigm of the First and Second Industrial Revolutions. In the article below Otto Scharmer describes the shift we are experiencing. It is matter of conscious choice and co-design.
We are witnessing the development of the core digital infrastructure that underpins the emerging story. The core digital infrastructure by itself will get funded in new ways, more about it in a next post.