Lieve Vereycken

Currently I am working within a strategy that is defined by a Theory of Change (ToC). 
We use the innovation space of web 4.0 to co-design for social, ecological and financial profit.
Check out more:

Will we co-design together? Check out my ‘theory of change’ here.


Sign up for Tuesday Posts

We share our passion and opportunities with Tuesday Posts. You will get it bi-weekly at 10 o’clock by e-mail.


Threefold Farming set-ups

Strategic consulting and sparring for your next step

Sharing our passion for sustainable prosperity

Empowerment of eco-innovation environments

Co-Inpetto Farm set-up

We design collaborative Threefold Farming set-ups to align the incentive with its communities goals.

Check-out our Co-Inpetto Farm set-ups here.

Sparring and workshops

We are your sparring partner and challenger for new business modelling thanks to the building blocks of Web 4.0.

Writing and speaking

We are passionated about sustainable prosperity and new possibilities to co-design it. We want people to co-design it. Therefore we write and speak about:

  • Complementary money systems, new business models and crypto valuta;
  • Web 4.0 infrastructure, digital- and data sovereignity;
  • Innovation for sustainable prosperity.

Sign up for Tuesday Posts at LieveVereycken.Co and publications.

Empower eco-innovation environments

The innovations possible thanks to Web 4.0 need and enforce eco-system innovation environments. We team up to strengthen them.

At this moment we team-up with Impact Factory, AR-TUR, Weconomics Foundations and are open to enforce more eco-innovation environments.