Lieve Vereycken

Europe is leading

In my quest to put the twelve rules of Compassion in practice, I decided to travel and learn (1). Shanghai (China) was my hometown in 2012. There I saw the beauty of The Underground, which is an European invention (2). If people can build such a mobility system for the individual, the roll-out of the […]

Sign the MyData declaration and be part of the movement

MyData’s mission has cross-overs with the goals of Weconomics, Freeflow Nations and Threefold Foundations. The entrepreneurial movements for better prosperity thanks to data and collaboration is growing. Sign the MyData declaration (click on the logo above), join the my data hub Brussels and become a member of MyData (click on the logo above). Ideas shape […]

The Rise of Surveillance Capitalism

Co:Inpetto wasn’t initially about changing economics. Co:Inpetto started in 1999 as a database-driven recruitment cabinet for IT professionals and business consultants. It was the year that the internet was entering the business world. But since the recruitment business (as so many businesses) got trapped in the supply chains of Surveillance Capitalism, there was no other […]

The Zero Marginal Cost Society and More

Good to be reminded to some inspirational thinking before Threefold technology is getting launched (Q4 2019). The thinking serves the missions of Threefold, Freeflow Nation and Weconomics. The Zero Marginal Cost Society is a book of Jeremy Rifkin. We can look forward to a new book of Bernard Lieater – click here for more information.  […]

It Is Time To Add Your Voice

Carole Cadwalladr is a journalist and author. She exposed the Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal. Listen to her Ted Talk. Tim Berners Lee is working on the contract of the web. It is time to add your voice #ForTheWeb Democracy isn’t a gift. It is a responsibility. Dalton Trumbo

The Funding Mechanisms of Core Infrastructures in Society (part 2)

As written in a previous post, the first metro systems used the template of the first railroad companies to structure their business operations. It is copied over and over again. A social contract within society came alive. But does it still serve ? No, it doesn’t. The social contract is falling apart on the one […]

A Call For Decentralisation

I hoped I could resonate with te message of the book ‘Gigantism’ of the latest book of Geert Noels, because I do love the word G I G A N T I S M. Check ! I do recommend to read the book. Geert Noels describes why organisations and markets are getting dysfunctional in the […]

Time Registration System

As an HR person – I have implemented a new time registration system to escape classical working patterns. It sounds like a contradictio in terminis. But it isn’t. We’re freeing data of the workers from 1 company. Workers are able to check in by neigbours as well. Because together we shape better jobs. Don’t be […]

Dear Mark Zuckerberg

Thanks for writing your post. I have read it. Let’s join forces for better prosperity. But I do believe we have a far more easier task than you have. We make the next big thing happen by connecting projects and smaller businesses to a shared digital infrastructure. Our good design and perseverance will be our […]

The leaders of VIPE / TITO Foundation are beta users on FreeFlowPages.

The leadership of VIPE / TITO Foundation are beta users on FreeflowPages. FreeflowPages runs on Threefold Grid and will become an alternative for Facebook. We started an on-line group to facilitate the exploration of new organising tools, like complementary money systems. is used to log in Freeflow Pages. is connected to your own […]