To get rid off the curse of bigness we’ve to work first towards a decentralised internet. That is said what is said in this article and that is why I love doing what I do.
I love to contribute to the development of a decentralised internet because it is doable and exiting on the one hand. On the other hand I would to like to take the high road to our next level of prosperity (and avoid the worst (*))
Threefold is mentioned in the article as one of the iniatives working on a decentralised internet. In this picture Threefold explains why they do what they do.

Privacy is condition for freedom. Freedom is a condition for (potential good) market design for a digital economy and society. No single person needs to be excluded: costs are lowering, every person will get its own wallet en get seperate digital services to manage own data.
Maximum freedom to the parts, maximum coherence to the whole.
Brian Goodwin
(*) Do you want to know how a low road could look like ? Travel back in time with Tim Wu’s book – The Curse of Bigness. Tim Wu is also author of The Master Switch, a classic about Net Neutrality.