Another anti-Big Tech documentary is out: The Social Dilemma. It is another work of the Center for Human Technology; they make the world aware of Social Media tools’ negative externalities. Most contributors are ex-coworkers of the Big Tech companies, they left their organizations because of ethical concerns. The podcast, Your Undivided Attention, is also a production of them. They are doing great work.
Marketeers buy the generated attention, the product sold by social media, produced with horrible side effects on society. What about their dilemma? What if marketeers want to make other choices? Are they available? I don’t know the answer for the short term, because I needed to redirect my profession.
I don’t know the answer for the short term, because I needed to redirect my original profession. Followers of these posts are aware that business modelling in the value chain is the route cause of the problem. In the meanwhile, more and more solutions are out there to deal with it.
I am an economist/ marketeer by education. And I loved to build a community of IT professionals and business consultants to inform them about job opportunities. It took the job up in 1999 as an entrepreneur in the recruitment business.
My mantra to serve in that two sided market was inspired by Seth Godin. First, you ask permission to store people’s data with a clear purpose and then act in the promise you made – the right job opportunity at the right time, delivered by the right channel. Everything started with a good conversation.
But there came a fork in the road, we had an obstacle to overcome. The digital infrastructure and business models in the value chain of connecting talents to jobs were inappropriate. At least for those who truly believes in the value of creativity and entrepreneurial freedom in society. A collaborative innovation opportunity was at hand and not a small one.
And here we are, ready for the next step.
The digital building blocks to take care and introduce accountability in content distribution again are getting available. With ‘the smart contract of IT,’ we appoint the people who will look after the working of digital algorithms within communities. Each person involved in the operations of content distribution will become known, more personalized messages can be delivered, 3bot will be part of the technical infrastructure.
Who will accelerate the possibilities for better marketing? Will you?
Map your way in the innovation space of the emerging decentralized internet and anchor sustainable prosperity.
Be part of a Threefold Farming opportunity and learn about the new transaction possibilities while using them.