Lieve Vereycken

Co-Design Projects

Co-design projects are inspired by the Co-Inpetto story

LieveVereycken.Co contributes to the co-design practice for new business modelling and the decentralized internet. Co-Design projects are inspired by the Co-Inpetto Story.

Co-Inpetto Farm is an example of a Co-Design project. Co-Inpetto Farm contributes to the roll-out of the Threefold Grid. It teams up with mission-led communities.  Contact me for more information.

Set-up 2 Co-Inpetto Farm

We are working on a Co-Inpetto Farm set-up at TWICE (= campus TUE/e) together with Weconomics members

Contact me for more information.

Neighbourhood Engine of AR-TUR, platform for architecture and space

Kempenlab ‘Neighbourhood Engine’, is a project of AR-TUR, platform of architecture and space  

They started up the dialogue for co-designing new opportunities at the intersection of the sharing economy and the roll-out of the decentralized digital infrastructure in neighbourhoods. 

LieveVereycken.Co contributed to the cahier #11 with an article: “Betere deelsystemen in wijken”. Visit the website of AR-TUR and get the cahier (Dutch only)

The project ‘Neighbourhood Engine’ of AR-TUR goes on; contact me for more information.

Set-up 1 Co-Inpetto Farm

LieveVereycken.Co makes use of the co-working space BLWRK. It has been a place for inspiration, warmth, beauty, exploration and connection. From 2022 till 2024 BLWRK was part of set-up 1 of Co-Inpetto Farm.

LieveVereycken.Co has been a partner of Weconomics Foundations since 2014. 

Since 2022, Weconomics has been part of set-up 1 of Co-Inpetto Farm. A WCA (Weconomics agreement) underpins the intention of the participation and describes the arrangements between different parties involved. 

The execution of the WCA will be programmed to lower transaction costs and to organize accountability for algorithms. It will become a POC (proof of concept) for more set-ups and other agreements that serve the execution of transactions in community-oriented business models.

Contact me for more information.