A chapter for Threefold Foundation is getting home in Fort V, beautiful heritage located in my region ‘De Zuidrand’. ‘De Zuidrand’ is a name of an association of 7 towns in the south of Antwerp, it promotes our region for tourism. It is a nice place for traveling, working and living.
At this moment we are investigating the opportunity to start-up a Threefold farming coop. This means that everyone will get the opportunity to become a farmer. Farmers co-own a part of the Threefold grid and get profit from it.
Why are Threefold farming coops needed ?
Threefold coops bring green, neutral and democratic storage and compute capacity available;
Threefold coops distribute income and organisational power.
Example of Threefold coops in the world is Mazraa.
Threefold Coops are getting possible thanks to the technical innovations Threefold Foundation offers. Threefold tokens will be the mean of value exchange between users, farmers, Threefold coops and Threefold Foundation.