Code impacts our life and society; it is professor Lawrence Lessig who introduced the saying “Code is law”. Our democratic society has to integrate new organizational thinking and responsibilities. The following questions for each code design are relevant:
1. How is code introduced? Who is involved? 2. How is code implemented? 3. How are the coded rules controlled?
Within Threefold Network each code design is associated with ‘a smart contract for IT’. ‘The smart contract for IT’ defines responsibilities for people involved and makes people accountable. How does it work?
Step 1: IT experts creates code which and offers it to the TFF grid to get approved before it is deployed for users.
Step 2: a dedicated person prepare the code for step 3
Step 3: the code is offered to a smart contract on the blockchain
Step 4: a dedicated person / team reviews the code and create consensus before it is deployed.
Step 5: the code is deployed on the Threefold grid after consensus of step 4 and gets available for users.
The times they are a’ changin … ‘The smart contract for IT’ opens up the innovation space to redefine participation, responsibility and accountability for the digital age.
It is necessary from the very nature of things that power should be a check to power.