The Funding Mechanisms of Core Infrastructures in Society (part 3)
Threefold Grid shares their template to get the core infrastructure of compute and storage capacity available in society. Learn, ask questions and get prepared to turn. How will Threefold Grid get organised ? Threefold Farmers organize themselves in Threefold Coops. A Threefold Coop will engage Threefold farmers. Each farmer brings money in to buy certified […]
The Funding Mechanisms of Core Infrastructures in Society (part 1)
The Metropolitan Railway (Met) got in 1854 the permission to build the first line of the Underground what later became the London Metro System (full hitory of The London Underground is here). What template did the MET use to set up the company ? 1. What is the income stream for the service ?2. What […]
Inclusive Banking
I already have mentioned in a previous post that I believe that I would never have been connected to Threefold Foundation if I haven’t had read the book of Bernard Lietaer (2000). Bernard Lietaer did some scenario thinking about the potential of the digital age, sustainable prosperity and complementary money systems. Digital Privacy as a […]
A Call For Decentralisation
I hoped I could resonate with te message of the book ‘Gigantism’ of the latest book of Geert Noels, because I do love the word G I G A N T I S M. Check ! I do recommend to read the book. Geert Noels describes why organisations and markets are getting dysfunctional in the […]
Freeflow Ibiza – 22-26 May
Join Freeflow Ibiza and learn more about Threefold Foundation. Click here for more information. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
Dear Mark Zuckerberg
Thanks for writing your post. I have read it. Let’s join forces for better prosperity. But I do believe we have a far more easier task than you have. We make the next big thing happen by connecting projects and smaller businesses to a shared digital infrastructure. Our good design and perseverance will be our […]
The leaders of VIPE / TITO Foundation are beta users on FreeFlowPages.
The leadership of VIPE / TITO Foundation are beta users on FreeflowPages. FreeflowPages runs on Threefold Grid and will become an alternative for Facebook. We started an on-line group to facilitate the exploration of new organising tools, like complementary money systems. is used to log in Freeflow Pages. is connected to your own […]
Happy learning
I have the honour to open up a conversation about Threefold during a guest lecture of the Certified Blockchain Professional Program of Weconomics. Threefold’s technology stack, governance structure and network will get introduced to an audience that is open to shape the future in a collaborative, reflective and responsible way. The picture below and these […]
The Curse of Bigness (and the blessing of Threefold Foundations)
To get rid off the curse of bigness we’ve to work first towards a decentralised internet. That is said what is said in this article and that is why I love doing what I do. I love to contribute to the development of a decentralised internet because it is doable and exiting on the one […]
Het Blockchain Dilemma
Via dit artikel van Sirius Legal kom je op presentatie rond blockchain technologie en GDPR (slides). Op slide 13 wordt er verwezen naar Blockchain dilemma. Een dilemma waarvoor Threefold Foundation een oplossing introduceert.