Lieve Vereycken

A Call For Decentralisation

I hoped I could resonate with te message of the book ‘Gigantism’ of the latest book of Geert Noels, because I do love the word G I G A N T I S M. Check ! I do recommend to read the book. Geert Noels describes why organisations and markets are getting dysfunctional in the […]

Six things blockchains can do for SDG’s

I am getting deep respect of the historical achievements of the United Nations and I want to learn more about its potential. Therefore I have visited the Peace Palace in The Hague. The role of the UN and the SDG goals are mentioned in de visiting centre of the palace. Is the SDG framework really […]

Who gets what and why ?

Opportunity for market design knocks. Alvin Roth has written a book about it with the title: Who gets what and why, the hidden world of matchmaking and market Design. My 10 take-aways of the book are: Markets are human artifcasts. We can change a market and we can invent one. Market Design is a Team […]

Threefold for IoT (Internet of Things) in New Business Models

The picture below is the picture of the Weconomy model of prof. dr. Jan Jonker. The internet of things (IoT) could support it. Will Solaridad lead by example ? An agreement between Threefold Foundation and Solaridad is signed at the pre-launch Threefold Conference in Ibiza ( from 23 to 25 Octobre 2018). Following building blocks […]

Money design matters (and it is getting a matter of choice)

I probably would not have written this post if I hadn’t read – The Future of Money – during the years the internet got introduced in business. It was 2001. Bernard Lietaer described the innovation space for money design for the digital era. Since I have read the book, I couldn’t get my eyes of […]