The Climate Case and the Internet 4.O

ThreeFold is the engine for a planet-positive and data-sovereign internet. It brings together with partners the building blocks for internet 4.O. Whatever your starting point is to make your operations greener, this digital infrastructure will serve you. Why? First, the Threefold Grid is power efficiënt. Threefold use less energy than traditional cloud solutions thanks to […]
Slow Down (productivity is too low)

Slow down; productivity is too low. It is the mission of Weconomics Foundations to rethink organizational models for the digital age. Weconomics Foundations offers every first Tuesday an opportunity to connect and be part of a dialogue. Check out the next one here. Internet 4.0 features underpin the thinking and the projects of Weconomics Foundations. […]
A Generation of Good Ancestors

The next generations will love us because of the actions we take now (1). Fortunately, we don’t need to be a Lieven-Gevaert-like-hero (3). For the green and digital revolution, we will make a change – together. Digital rights will protect freedom and creative entrepreneurship for every single person. Legislators are with us. The GDPR get […]
The GDPR and The Brussels Effect

The GDPR turns 3 today and it is ruling the world; companies are adopting it everywhere. The GDPR, and it hasn’t missed The Brussels Effect, a term coined by Anu Bradford. More is coming. Listen to Margrethe Vestager, the Executive Vice President of the European Commission. She explains the EU’s position in the global battle […]
DéFi stands for Decentralized Finance

TFT (Threefold tokens) is coming available at several decentralized exchanges (DEXES). That’s why I started to have a closer look into the DéFi space. DEX is part of it. And I am stubbled about the variety of services already available in the DéFi (or is it already CeDeFi) space. Read an article about the multichain […]
The proof of the pudding is in the eating

Start to check out if the technology development part of the Threefold story is coming true. Ask it to your software developers. They can deploy their work on the Threefold Grid, the marketplace with available applications is growing and next releases are coming. Positive feedback will bring usage for the Threefold grid. As a consequence, […]
Educate yourself and speak up

Lieven Gevaert is an industrialist who had a high impact on prosperity. As the oldest girl after six boys, I am named after him. But I needed to confess that I wasn’t aware of all his work. I wrote him to show gratitude and to tell about our changing times. My letter is one year […]

A digital twin for everyone and everything is not only the starting point for Big Tech’s antidote. It is an innovation space for renewing business models and updating solidarity systems. A digital twin brings together data and algorithms related to someone or something. Every digital twin can carry a wallet. With interoperability between these digital […]
Human Rights and Ethics

Have you already visited the Kazerne Dossin museum? I did it five times. It is a place of remembrance of the Holocaust in Belgium (Mechelen). “Never Again” is the overall message on the highest floor. The foundation of the declaration of human rights is the highlight. It was at that place, in 2013, that […]
Do The Marketing Seminar

Co-Inpetto started as a recruitment cabinet for IT professionals and business consultants in 1999. It was the year that the internet got introduced in the business world. The stories of passionate professionals, I loved them, I collected them carefully. Strict permission marketing principles from Seth Godin served as back-office: Ask first. Agree with candidates […]